====== Robotics Club ====== ===== Content ===== * [[.:lab1|Lab 1]] **[06.02.2017]** -- Initial meeting, discussion about artificial intelligence * [[.:lab2|Lab 2]] **[13.02.2017]** -- Projects proposals, introduction to programming in Java * [[.:lab3|Lab 3]] **[27.02.2017]** -- Programming in Java, basic robot localisation problems (trilateration) * [[.:lab4|Lab 4]] **[06.03.2017]** -- //Ethics in AI -- is it safe to build AI?// * [[.:lab3|Lab 5]] **[13.03.2017]** -- Programming in Java, basic robot localisation problems (continuation) * [[.:lab6|Lab 6]] **[21.03.2017]** -- Mindroid -- controlling NXT robot with mobile phone (part I) * [[.:lab6|Lab 7]] **[27.03.2017]** -- Mindroid -- controlling NXT robot with mobile phone (part II) * [[.:lab6|Lab 8]] **[03.04.2017]** -- Mindroid -- controlling NXT robot with mobile phone (part III) * [[.:lab6|Lab 9]] **[24.04.2017]** -- Mindroid -- controlling NXT robot with mobile phone (part IV) * [[.:lab6|Lab 10]] **[15.05.2017]** -- Mindroid -- controlling NXT robot with mobile phone (part IV) * [[.:lab7|Lab 11]] **[22.05.2017]** -- Speech recognition and voice commands I -- scientific background * [[.:lab8|Lab 12]] **[??.??.2017]** -- Speech recognition and voice commands II -- grammar based recognition and simple conversation context * [[.:lab9|Lab 13]] **[??.??.2017]** -- Gesture-based control I (virtual steering wheel) * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]** -- Gesture-based control II (simple gestures) * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]** -- Tournament? * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]**-- Rules to rule them all * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]** -- "Follow me" project -- who is //me//? where am I? * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]** -- //AI Civil Rights -- can we kill a robot?// * [[.:labX|Lab XX]] **[??.??.2017]**-- //Emotions of AI -- can robot hate and love?// ===== Github Short tutorials ===== * [[did:roboclub:github_tutorials:cloning|Cloning]] -- Clone template project from repository * [[did:roboclub:github_tutorials:updating|Pulling/updating]] -- Update your project, keeping your changes ===== Software and tutorials ===== * [[http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/java.html| Java tutorial]] -- one of the best and most comprehensive tutorial on the web * [[https://github.com/sbobek/mindroid|Mindroid]] -- Android library for Lego Mindstorms (Bluetooth connection / voice commands) * [[http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/|PocketSphinx]] -- framework for offline speech recognition * [[https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html|Android Studio]] -- IDE for programming for Android * [[https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/|IntelliJ Idea]] -- IDE for Java programming